new_width = 6000; $image->new_height = 6000; // Достаем загруженный файл без изменений $image->image_to_resize = $target; $image->ratio = true; // Keep Aspect Ratio? // Создаем новое изображение с новым именем $image->new_image_name = "aviary_" .md5(date('c')); /* Указываем папку для сохранения */ $image->save_folder = $path_to_90_directory; // И изменяем размер изображения $process = $image->resize(); // Для тестирования выводим путь к изображению //if($process['result'] && $image->save_folder) { // echo 'The new image ('.$process['new_file_path'].') has been saved.'; //} // Заносим в переменную путь к новому файлу $url = $process['new_file_path'];//заносим в переменную путь до аватара. } else { //в случае несоответствия формата, выдаем соответствующее сообщение exit ("

Sorry, but image must be in format JPG, GIF or PNG(

Upload another image

Wish you good shots:)

Yours EdMyPic:)
"); //останавливаем выполнение сценариев } //конец процесса загрузки и присвоения переменной $avatar адреса загруженной авы } // Удаляем исходное изображение после редактирования if (isset($target)){ unlink($target); }else{ } ?> Aviary Online Photo Editor

Aviary photo editor app now available on IOS and Android:

Aviary online photo editor!

Image resizer online, filters, photo frames, retouch

Are you looking for multifunctional editor, transforming images in which is such a great pleasure? Try Aviary online photo editor, it has a simple interface and basic management. Icons photo effects in "Aviary", without further ado, let you understand that using the selected tool, you can create a photograph.

For most users, it is often enough to use the image resizer online and align it by color to quickly put on the page in the social network. Conventional retouch in Aviary takes seconds, while quite markedly transforms photos.

You should download or run the Aviary online, and enjoy all its features:

  • use automated mode for transformation of images;
  • use a variety of filters and photo frames in the web;
  • you’ll have an access to interesting stickers and color balance;
  • you can crop and rotate photos;
  • photo editor by Aviary allows you to control brightness and contrast, blur, or take a picture sharper, draw and write on photos;
  • you'll get rid of the notorious "red-eye" effect and other shortcomings, and can also make a "Hollywood-style" white-toothed smile.
  • For a good work we recommend to use browser Chrome or FireFox!
    Aviary official website -

    Unfortunately Aviary is not available anymore! We present to you good alternative - iPiccy © 2019 All that you need for editing your photos online!
    We don't store your data and images!
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